Annual Autumn Meeting (JDDW) Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

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On Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)

JSGE has fully implemented COI management in 2013.
Accordingly, those of you giving a presentation or lecture on medical research are required to disclose the state of conflict of interest related to the presentation or lecture.
For those of you who are giving presentations, you have already disclosed, when you registered your presentations, whether or not there is a state of conflict of interest. You are additionally requested to make the disclosure again at the time of actually giving your presentations.
The disclosure of the state of conflict of interest should be made by downloading the disclosure slide from below and inserting it in a prescribed position. Note that all presenters are required to make the disclosure regardless of whether or not there is a state of conflict of interest. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

*Please note that the Policy and Detailed Regulations on Conflict of Interest in Medical Research were partially revised as of January 2016. As a result, COI disclosure is required of lead presenters as well as co-presenters.

<COI Disclosure Slides>

If there is a state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure If there is no state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure
If there is a state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure If there is no state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure

* The slide should be clearly shown in the first slide of the presentation or lecture (or the second slide after the slide showing the title and the name of the presenter/lecturer) or at the end of the poster for disclosure.
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology (JSGE) Conflict of Interest Policy

*As for luncheon seminars, evening seminars, workshops, and lectures hosted or co-hosted by a company or for-profit organization, the chair or moderator should also make effort to disclose to the audience the names of the companies and organizations he or she has relations with, using slides in a similar manner as the presenters and reading out the names of the companies. If there are too many companies to read out, appropriate steps must be taken such as by using a separate projector to disclose the name of the companies on a slide.

<Threshold for COI Disclosure of Presenters (including Co-Presenters)>

Matters to be disclosed in relation to the presenters and their family members
Description Disclosure Requirement
Board member/advisor An annual compensation from any one company or organization ¥1 million or more
Corporate stocks An annual profit (an aggregate of dividends and capital gain) from one company’s stock or percentage ownership of the company’s outstanding shares ¥1 million or more
5% or more
Patent royalties An annual loyalty payment for use of one paten ¥1 million or more
Honorariums, etc. Total amount of per diem, honorariums, etc., paid for the time and energy spent by a researcher to attend or give a presentation or advice at a meeting in a year ¥500,000 or more
Writing fees Total amount of fees paid for writing a pamphlet, etc. ¥500,000 or more
Research grants (joint research, commissioned research, clinical trials, etc.) Total amount of contracted research grants from one company or organization for medical research (joint research, commissioned research, clinical trials, etc.) actually allocated for the presenter to essentially have discretion over their use in a year ¥1 million or more
Scholarship grants Total amount of the portion of the scholarship grants from one company or organization to the presenter or the chair, field, or laboratory the presenter is affiliated with that is actually allocated for the presenter to essentially have discretion over their use ¥1 million or more
Endowed chair Affiliation with an endowed chair from a company, etc. Affiliated with the chair
Other compensations Trips and other gifts unrelated to research, education, or healthcare, provided by one company or organization in a year, in monetary value ¥50,000 or more
Institutional COI related to the research institute or division (e.g. a research institute, hospital, faculty, center, etc.) the presenter is affiliated with
Description Disclosure Requirement
Research grants Total amount of research grants awarded to a research institute or division or the head of the research institute or division the presenter is affiliated with and regarding which the research institute or division or its head essentially has discretion over their use ¥10 million or more
Donations Total amount of donations awarded to a research institute or division or the head of the research institute or division the presenter is affiliated with and regarding which the research institute or division or its head essentially has discretion over their use ¥2 million or more
Others A research institute or division or the head of the research institute or division the presenter is affiliated with owns a company’s stocks (5% or more of the issued shares of the company), has received patent royalties from a company or organization, or has any investment outstanding in a company or organization