外胆汁瘻造設術 |
external biliary drainage |
拡大胆嚢摘出術 |
extended cholecystectomy |
拡張術(胆管) |
instrumental dilatation (of bile duct) |
拡張用バルーン |
balloon dilator |
肝中央下区域切除術(肝S4a+5切除術) |
hepatectomy of segment 4a and 5 |
肝十二指腸間膜切除術 |
hepatoduodenal ligamentectomy, resection of hepatoduodenal ligament |
肝膵同時切除術 |
Simultaneous resection of the liver and pancreas (Hepatopancreatoduodenectomy) |
肝中央二区域切除術 |
central bisegmentectomy of the liver |
肝内胆管胃吻合術 |
intrahepatic cholangiogastrostomy (with partial hepatectomy) |
肝内胆管外瘻術 |
external drainage of intrahepatic bile duct |
肝内胆管空腸吻合術 |
intrahepatic cholangiojejunostomy |
肝内胆管切開術 |
incision of intrahepatic bile duct, transhepatic cholangiotomy |
肝内胆管結石除去術 |
cholangiolithotomy, transhepatic cholangiolithotomy, intrahepatic cholangiolithotomy |
肝右三区域切除術 |
right hepatic trisegmentectomy |
肝左三区域切除術 |
left hepatic trisegmentectomy |
肝門部胆管切除術 |
hilar bile duct resection |
肝尾状葉切除術 |
caudal lobectomy |
機械的砕石(術) |
endoscopic (mechanical) lithotripsy |
機械的砕石器 |
mechanical lithotriptor |
金属ステント |
metal stent, expandable metal stent, self-expandable metal stent |
クロフィブレート |
chlorophenolisobutyrate <CPIB>, clofibrate |
経口胆石溶解療法 |
oral bile acid litholysis, oral bile acid dissolution therapy, oral bile acid cholelitholytic therapy, oral dissolution therapy, bile acid dissolution therapy |
経口胆道鏡下結石除去(術) |
peroral cholangioscopic lithotripsy |
経十二指腸的総胆管十二指腸吻合術 |
transduodenal choledochoduodenostomy |
経十二指腸的総胆管切開術 |
transduodenal choledochotomy |
経十二指腸的乳頭括約筋形成術 |
transduodenal sphincteroplasty or papilloplasty |
経十二指腸的乳頭括約筋切開術 |
transduodenal sphincterotomy or papillotomy |
経十二指腸的乳頭切開術 |
transduodenal sphincterotomy or papillotomy |
経十二指腸的乳頭切除術 |
transduodenal sphincteroplasty or papilloplasty |
経十二指腸的乳頭形成術 |
transduodenal sphincteroplasty or papilloplasty |
経皮経肝胆管ドレナージ |
percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage <PTBD> |
経皮経肝胆道鏡下結石除去(術) |
percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopic lithotomy |
経皮経肝胆道減圧(術) |
percutaneous transhepatic biliary decompression |
経皮経肝胆道ドレナージ |
percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage <PTBD> |
経皮経肝胆嚢外瘻造設(術) |
percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage <PTGBD> |
経皮経肝胆嚢鏡下結石除去(術) |
percutaneous transhepatic cholecystoscopic lithotomy |
経皮経肝胆嚢ドレナージ |
percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage <PTGBD> |
経鼻胆管ドレナージ |
endoscopic nasobiliary drainage (ENBD) , bilionasal drainage , transnasal biliary catheterization,nasobiliary drainage |
経皮的胆管内瘻術 |
percutaneous biliary endoprosthesis |
結石除去(術) |
lithotomy, extraction of stone, extirpation or removal of stone, stone removal technique |
Kocher授動術 |
Kocherization, Kocher mobilization |
催胆剤 |
choleretica, choleretic,cholagogue |
シトステロール |
sitosterol |
Cチューブ |
cystic duct tube |
十二指腸,空腸吻合術 |
hepatico (duodeno-, jejuno) stomy |
十二指腸後部総胆管切開術 |
retroduodenal choledochotomy |
十二指腸上部総胆管切開術 |
supraduodenal choledochotomy |
術後胆道鏡下結石除去(術) |
postoperative cholangioscopic lithotomy |
術中胆道精査 |
surgical exploration of bile duct |
小切開胆嚢摘出術 |
cholecystectomy with mini-laparotomy |
膵後部総胆管切開術 |
retropancreatic chcoledochotomy |
膵頭十二指腸切除術 |
pancreatoduodenectomy |
ステント留置(術) |
stenting |
経皮的ステント留置(術) |
percutaneous stenting |
内視鏡下ステント留置(術) |
endoscopic stenting |
総肝管吻合術 |
hepatico (duodeno-, jejuno) stomy |
早期手術 |
early operation |
総胆管結石除去(術) |
choledocholithotomy |
総胆管吻合術 |
choledocho (duodeno-, jejuno) stomy |
体外衝撃波胆石破砕療法 |
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy <ESWL> |
待機(期)手術 |
elective operation |
胆管外瘻術 |
external choledochostomy |
胆管空腸吻合術 |
choledocho-jejunostomy |
胆管形成術 |
choledochoplasty, hepaticoplasty |
胆管十二指腸吻合術 |
choledocho-duodenostomy |
胆管修復(術) |
repair of bile duct |
胆管消化管吻合術 |
bilioenteric anastomosis |
胆管ステント |
biliary stent |
胆管ステント留置術・胆管ステンティング |
biliary stenting |
胆管切開術 |
choledochotomy, hepaticotomy, hepaticodochotomy |
胆管切除術 |
bile duct resection |
胆管胆管吻合術 |
biliobiliary anastomosis |
胆管内瘻術 |
biliary endoprosthesis, biliary prosthesis, biliary stenting |
胆石砕石術 |
biliary stone fragmentation, biliary stone destruction, biliary lithotripsy |
胆石摘出術 |
biliary stone removal technique |
胆石溶解 |
chemical dissolution of gallstone |
胆道減圧(術) |
biliary decompression |
胆道再建(術) |
biliary reconstruction |
胆道外瘻術・胆管外瘻術 |
external biliary drainage |
胆道ドレナージ |
biliary drainage |
胆道内瘻術・胆管内瘻術 |
internal biliary drainage |
胆道バイパス術 |
biliary bypass procedure |
胆道付加手術 |
additional operation of biliary tract |
胆嚢外瘻術 |
external cholecystostomy |
胆嚢結石除去 |
cholecystolithotomy |
胆嚢床切除術 |
gallbladder bed resection |
胆嚢切開術 |
cholecystotomy |
胆嚢摘出術 |
cholecystectomy |
胆嚢吻合術 |
cholecysto (duodeno-, jejuno) stomy |
T-字管 |
T-tube |
電気水圧砕石(術) |
electrohydraulic lithotripsy |
電気水圧砕石機 |
electrohydraulic lithotriptor |
内視鏡的経鼻胆管ドレナージ |
endoscopic nasobiliary drainage (ENBD) , bilionasal drainage , transnasal biliary catheterization,nasobiliary drainage |
内視鏡的経鼻胆嚢ドレナージ |
endoscopic nasogallbladder drainage (ENGBD) , nasogallbladder drainage |
内視鏡的砕石(術) |
endoscopic (mechanical) lithotripsy |
内視鏡的胆管結石除去(術) |
endoscopic lithotripsy |
内視鏡的胆管ドレナージ |
transpapillary biliary drainage, endoscopic biliary stenting, endoscopic biliary drainage , transpapillary endoscopic drainage |
内視鏡的胆管内瘻術 |
endoscopic biliary stenting |
内視鏡的胆道拡張術 |
endoscopic biliary dilatation |
内視鏡的胆道ドレナージ |
endoscopic biliary drainage <EBD> |
内視鏡的乳頭括約筋切開術 |
endoscopic sphincterotomy <EST> |
内視鏡的乳頭切開術 |
endoscopic papillotomy <EPT> |
内視鏡的乳頭バルーン拡張術 |
endoscopic papillary balloon dilation (EPBD) |
内視鏡的乳頭切除術 |
endoscopic papillectomy |
内胆汁瘻造設術 |
internal biliary drainage |
乳頭形成術 |
papilloplasty |
乳頭切開(術) |
papillotomy |
乳頭切除術 |
papillectomy, excision of papilla Vater |
粘膜破壊術 |
mucoclasis |