カローの三角(部) |
Calot triangle, cystohepatic triangle |
肝外胆管 |
extrahepatic bile duct |
肝外胆管隔壁 |
septum of extrahepatic bile duct |
肝管 |
hepatic duct |
右肝管 |
right hepatic duct, ductus hepaticus dexter |
左肝管 |
left hepatic duct, ductus hepaticus sinister |
総肝管 |
common hepatic duct, ductus hepaticus communis |
肝管合流部(左右肝管合流部) |
confluence of hepatic ducts |
肝十二指腸間膜 |
ligamentum hepatoduodenale , hepatoduodenal ligament |
肝床 |
gallbladder bed, fossa vesicae felleae, fossa vesicae biliaris |
肝静脈 |
hepatic vein, V. hepatica |
肝内胆管 |
intrahepatic bile duct |
肝門板 |
hilar plate |
肝門部胆管 |
hilar bile duct |
共通管 |
common channel |
屈曲胆嚢 |
folded gallbladder |
グリソン鞘 |
Glisson capsule |
固有肝動脈 |
proper hepatic artery, Arteria hepatica propria |
三管合流部 |
union (junction) of cystic and common hepatic duct, junction of cystic duct |
十二指腸縦ヒダ(ひだ) |
plica longitudinalis duodeni, plicae longitudinales duodeni, longitudinal fold, oral protrusion |
十二指腸乳頭 |
duodenal papilla, papilla of the duodenum |
小十二指腸乳頭 |
papilla duodeni minor, accessory papilla duodeni, minor duodenal papilla |
小帯 |
frenulum |
砂時計胆嚢 |
hourglass gallbladder |
前哨リンパ節 |
sentinel lymphnode |
総肝動脈 |
common hepatic artery, Arteria hepatica communis, hepatic artery |
総胆管 |
common bile duct, ductus choledochus, choledochus |
総胆管括約筋 |
Musculus sphincter ductus choledochi, sphincter of Boyden |
総胆管腺 |
glands of bile duct, biliary glands |
総胆管粘液腺 |
glandula mucosae biliosae, glandulae biliares |
総胆管末端部 |
distal (terminal) segment, distal (terminal) portion |
胆管 |
bile duct |
肝門部領域胆管 |
perihilar bile duct |
遠位胆管 |
distal bile duct |
胆管狭窄部 |
narrow distal segment <NDS>, |
胆管胆嚢管合流部 |
union (junction) of cystic and common hepatic duct, junction of cystic duct |
胆管周囲毛細血管叢 |
peribiliary capillary plexus |
胆道系動脈 |
biliary artery |
胆嚢 |
gallbladder, vesica fellea, vesica biliaris |
頸部 |
collum vesicae felleae, collum vesicae biliaris, neck/collum of the gallbladder |
体部 |
corpus vesicae felleae, corpus vesicae biliaris, body/corpus of the gallbladder |
底部 |
fundus vesicae felleae, fundus vesicae biliaris, fundus of the gallbladder |
漏斗状部 |
Hartmann pouch, infundibulum |
胆嚢管 |
ductus cysticus, cystic duct |
胆嚢管肝管合流部 |
union (junction) of cystic and common hepatic duct, junction of cystic duct |
胆嚢間膜 |
mesocyst |
胆嚢床 |
gallbladder bed, fossa vesicae felleae, fossa vesicae biliaris |
胆嚢床窩 |
gallbladder bed, fossa vesicae felleae, fossa vesicae biliaris |
胆嚢静脈 |
cystic vein, Vena cystica |
胆嚢動脈 |
cystic artery, Arteria cystica |
胆嚢内隔壁 |
septum of the gallbladder |
Heister弁 |
spiral valve, Heister spiral, valves of Heister, plica spiralis, Heister valve |
はちまきひだ |
hooding fold, encircling fold, covering fold |
ファーター乳頭(大十二指腸乳頭・主乳頭・大乳頭) |
papilla of Vater, Vater papilla, papilla duodeni major, major duodenal papilla |
ファーター膨大部 |
ampulla of Vater |
副乳頭 |
papilla duodeni minor, accessory papilla duodeni,minor duodenal papilla |
フリジア人帽胆嚢・フリジアンキャップ胆嚢 |
Phrygian cap gallbladder |
膨大部括約筋 |
Musculus sphincter ampullae, Sphincter ampullae, Musculus sphincter ampullae hepatopancreaticae |